Fall Lawn Care Checklist
Fall Lawn Care Checklist - 6 Things You Need To Do Right Now For A Healthy Lawn
Fall may mean pumpkins, hayrides and cider for some. For others? Getting the lawn winter ready. Whatever side of the fence you fall on, in this post we're going to cover some of the things that we at Green Blades Lawn Care believe are most important for your lawn.
1. Clean Up and Clean Out Debris
Fall is the perfect time to get your yard in shape for winter. While you may be tempted to leave the cleanup until spring, it's important to prep your yard now so pests don't take over. Fallen leaves and weeds are ta haven for pests to make a comfy home in for the winter. Clear out flower beds to keep the home potential down. If you have any roses, pay extra attention to their beds. Fallen leaves can foster fungus growth which turn into disease over the winter.
2. Aerate your Lawn
Make sure water drains freely from your yard by breaking up the soil. This will help nutrients reach the roots of your plants over the winter. For small yards, a hand-pushed aerator will do the job; but if you have a large yard, rent a walk-behind aerator or turn to a professional.
3. Feed your Lawn
Help your lawn get through the winter with healthy roots. Feeding your lawn for the winter will help it become healthy, green, and lush come spring. Encourage your roots to grow by adding a high-phosphorus fertilizer in the fall.
4. Trim Branches and Prune Shrubs
Clean up overgrown trees and bushes, as well as dead branches during the fall. Fall is also the time to prune spring-blooming perennials (such as forsythia or lilac) without risking blooms. To prevent branches from breaking and falling during the ice or snow ahead, prune tree branches that appear our of place now.
5. Rake and Apply Ground Cover
It's important to rake up leaves that have fallen in your lawn over the winter, or they'll suffocate the grass. Fall is also the time to apply mulch or stone around exposed plant beds to help keep the roots warm during the colder months.
6. Fall planting
Fall can be an excellent time to plant new shrubs or add new perennials to your yard. Maybe you are looking for some color in the late fall months, consider adding pansies which are both colorful and cheery.
By following these simple steps, you’re on your way to having a beautifully winterized yard that you can be proud of all season long. Get out there, mow down the grass, and enjoy the fruits of your labor in the spring when your lawn comes back to life. As always we at Green Blades Lawn Care are here to be your lawn advocates. We can tackle all the items on this list leaving you more time to do what you deserve relax and enjoy the fall season. To get an estimate or to get on our schedule, simply click below.